Total Hours: 3,386.0 (as of 9/28/2023
Total Landings: 2,747
Engines: HONEYWELL, TFE731-20BR-1B
3,386.0 3,387.0
eNGINE cYCLES: 2,747 2,747
sERIAL NUMBERS: p116680c p116681c
Specifications are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute representations or warranties. These specifications are subject to buyer's independent verification upon inspection. The aircraft is subject to prior sale, lease and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
Honeywell Primus 1000 Avionics Suite
EFIS: Quad Display Units DU-875
FMS: Dual Universal UNS-1E w/WAAS
GPS: Dual Universal UNS-1E w/WAAS
ADC: Dual Honeywell AZ-95
NAV: Dual Honeywell RNZ-851
DME: Dual Honeywell RNZ-850
ADF: Single Honeywell RNZ-850
VHF COM: Dual Honeywell RCZ-833
Disclaimer: The data above is for reference purposes only based on common configurations for this model of aircraft, and is not applicable specifically to the aircraft listed for sale above. The data shown may or may not be applicable to your individual situation