Total Hours: 12,883.6 (as of 7/29/2024)
Total Landings: 10,344
ENGINES: williams international, j44-3ap
#1 #2
TOTAL HOURS smoh: 0 0
eNGINE cYCLES smoh: 0 0
sERIAL NUMBERS: 252739 252740
Specifications are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute representations or warranties. These specifications are subject to buyer's independent verification upon inspection. The aircraft is subject to prior sale, lease and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
Collins Pro Line 21 4-Tube Display
Collins RTA-854 Radar Receiver/Transmitter
Collins ALT-55B Radio Altimeter
Collins RAC-870 Radio Altimeter Converter
Dual Collins VHF-422A Comms
Dual Collins VIR 432 VOR Nav Receiver
Collins ADF-462 Transceiver
Dual Collins DME-442 DME
Collins RTU-870C Radio Tuning Unit
Disclaimer: The data above is for reference purposes only based on common configurations for this model of aircraft, and is not applicable specifically to the aircraft listed for sale above. The data shown may or may not be applicable to your individual situation