Precisely understanding and fulfilling client requirements from multiple perspectives sets Michael Gauvreau apart from most. Beginning an aviation career in aircraft insurance as an independent agent / broker representing virtually all major carriers, Michael quickly attained his Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation. Following nearly a decade of successfully providing affordable and appropriate coverage tailored to his clients' specific needs, he elected to transition into aircraft brokerage.

Michael Gauvreau

Executive Director
(571) 436-2177

Almost immediately after transitioning from aircraft insurance into aircraft brokerage, one of his customers, with whom he had conducted multiple transactions, hired him for business aircraft sales. Tenure there was just as successful, if not more so than the performance he delivered previously and which clients large and small alike have come to expect for nearly three decades.

In addition to being part of two established aircraft brokerage organizations during his career, Mike also owned and operated Jet Expeditors, a full service aircraft acquisition, brokerage and management company. Success there led a multi-location charter and aircraft management company, with operations from New York to California, to seek him out. Commencing in a business jet sales role, he subsequently was named the Washington Dulles facility General Manager.

Aircraft completions for the full range of business aircraft, from light jets to long-range, large cabin aircraft, with specialization in Gulfstream and Bombardier products, adds an additional and unique client benefit to Mike's broad-based capabilities. He has also consulted on a full range of business aircraft projects for many and varied clients.

Mike is a past Board Member and Government Liaison for the Baltimore Washington Business Travel Association, a proud member of the Marine Corps League, where he currently serves as Event Chair, and Co-Chair of the Loudoun County, VA, Toys for Tots program.

Aircraft Insurance Expertise

Extensive Aircraft Charter & Management Background

specialized knowledge with individual attention

IADA CERTIFIED AIRCRAFT BROKER WITH Over 3 decades of business aviation experience

Meet Michael

Holstein Aviation
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